Split a string by a string
explode ( string $delimiter , string $string [, int $limit = PHP_INT_MAX ] ) : array
delimiter : The boundary string.
string : The input string.
limit :
If limit is set and positive, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the rest of string.
If the limit parameter is negative, all components except the last -limit are returned.
If the limit parameter is zero, then this is treated as 1.
<?php $input = "a,b,c"; var_dump( explode(',', $input1) ); ?>
array(3) ( [0] => string(1) "a" [1] => string(1) "b" [2] => string(1) "c" )
#array #delimiter #explode #implode #join #split #stringtokenizer #tokenizer